Publications on Communication
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Environment and Security: Challenges for Change, Video Report of a Roundtable Workshop, Barcelona 6 October 2008
Frits Hesselink with Josep Jordana and Jordi Piqué, The Hague: Institute for
Environmental Security 2008
Video: Web based video report of the workshop
Environment and Security: Challenges for Change, Report on the Roundtable Workshop on Environment and Security. IUCN World Conservation Congress, Barcelona, 6 October 2008
Frits Hesselink with Susan Guthridge-Gould and Ewout Doorman, The Hague: Institute for Environmental Security 2009
Pdf: Report on the workshop
Buddy Experiment, Report on experiment with Intergenerational Partnership through pairing of different generations,
Frits Hesselink with Dominic Stucker, Utrecht, San Jose: IUCN, Earth Charter, HECT 2008
Pdf: Buddy Experiment
Comunicando grandes temas: ecosistemas y personas - biodiversidad para el desarrollo
Frits Hesselink in: Formación y Educación Ambiental, 2008, Spanish Comittee for CEC
Pdf:Comunicando grandes temas
Communication, Education and Public Awareness (CEPA), A toolkit for National Focal Points and NBSAP Coordinators
Hesselink, F.J. e.a., IUCN Commission on Education and Communication, Secretariat for the Convention on Biological Diversity, Montreal, 2008
Web: Toolkit CEPA
Communicating the Issues: Ecosystems and People – Biodiversity for Development, "Get down off our mountain tops, walk the talk, analyze the chemistry of change!"
Frits Hesselink in: Proceedings of the Norway/UN Trondheim Conference on Technology Transfer and Capacity Building, Sandlund, O.T., Saksgard, L. (Ed) 29 October – 2 November, Trondheim, Norway, 2007
Pdf: Communicating the Issues
Pdf: Conference Proceedings
How to manage change? How to manage people? The role of communication in biodiversity conservation
In: Achieving environmental objectives: the role and value of communication, education, participation and awareness (CEPA) in conventions and agreements in Europe, Martin-Mehers, Gillian, ed. ; Calvo, Susana, ed. ; Auchincloss, Elisabeth, ed. ; Goldstein, Wendy, ed. - IUCN Commission on Education and Communication - Gland : IUCN, 2004
Web: Search IUCN catalogue for this publication
Communicating biodiversity conservation to forest owners
In: Communicating biodiversity conservation to forest owners in East-Central Europe: major issues and model communication strategies
Tyszko, Piotr, ed. - IUCN, Programme Office for Central Europe - Warszawa : IUCN Programme Office for Central Europe, 2004
Pdf: Frits Hesselink: 'Communicating Biodiversity to Private Forest Owners'
How to manage change? How to manage people? Skills and knowledge for effectiveness in communicating protected areas and biodiversity values
Frits Hesselink with Eddy Idle and Gwen van Boven in: Communicating Protected Areas, Hamú, Denise, ed. ; Auchincloss, Elisabeth, ed. ; Goldstein, Wendy, ed. - IUCN Commission on Education and Communication - Gland : IUCN, 2004
Web: Search IUCN catalogue for this publication
Communication Strategy and Action Plan for the PARC Project
Frits Hesselink and Dinh Thi Minh Thu, Forest Protection Department Vietnam, UNEP, UNDP, IUCN Asia Program, IUCN Commission on Education and Communication, Hanoi – Vietnam, 2003
Pdf: Draft Report
Global Perceptions of Conservation and Sustainable Development, A Survey
Frits Hesselink (Ed.), IUCN Commission on Education and Communication, Gland 2003
Pdf: Final Report
Perception is the only reality, Report of a Quick Scan among major CEC External Stakeholders, Towards a Strategic Plan for CEC 2004 – 2010
HECT Consultancy 2003
Pdf: Report
Communication Glossary
Edited by Frits Hesselink, CEC Corporate Communication Product Group, Gland, Switzerland 2003
Pdf: Glossary
Conservation Results by Managing Change, the role of communication, education and public awareness
Frits Hesselink with Gwen van Boven, IUCN Commission on Education and Communication, Gland 2003 (also translated into French and Spanish)
Pdf: Brochure
Education, Training and Public Awareness on Climate Change
Frits Hesselink in: Final report on the workshop on Education, Training and Public Awareness on Climate Change, Valsain Spain, May 2002, Paco Heras, IUCN Commission on Education and Communication, Gland 2002
Communication, Education & Public Awareness towards Participation in Sustainable Development, The role education and communication can play when dealing with issues of sustainable development
Frits Hesselink In: Proceedings: First International Conference on Public participation of the Asia-Europe Meeting, Bangkok, 10-12 June 2002
Pdf: Article for the Proceedings
Mainstreaming Biological Diversity: the role of communication, education and public awareness
Frits Hesselink with Gwen van Boven, IUCN Commission on Education and Communication, Gland 2002 (also translated into French and Spanish)
Top Do’s and Don’ts in Communicating Nature Conservation
Frits Hesselink with Wendy Goldstein, IUCN Commission on Education and Communication, Gland, 2000
Pdf: Top Do’s and Don’ts in Communicating
La comunicación sobre la naturaleza: 10 errores frecuentes
Frits Hesselink, in: marm.es : Training and Environmental Education : Opinion Pieces, Año de Edición: 1999
Web: Article
Comunicacion Efectiva para Involucrar Actores Claves en las Estrategias de Biodiversidad
IUCN SUR, Report of training for Latin American Biodiversity Coordinators, 1999
Communicating Nature Conservation, 10 frequently made mistakes, Dora Szucs ECNC interviews
Frits Hesselink, ECNC, 1999
Pdf: Article
Trends in communicating biodiversity conservation
Frits Hesselink in: Learning in Protected Aereas – How to Assess Quality, Report of a European Conference, Austria-Hungary, 1998, European Committee for Environmental Education, IUCN Commission on Education and Communication, Gland, 1999
Communication, an instrument of environmental policy
Frits Hesselink with Agnes Gomis , IUCN Commission on Education and Communication, Gland 1996 (also translated into French and Spanish)
Web: Publication
Communication, an instrument of environmental policy
Frits Hesselink in: National Strategies for Environmental and Development Education Europe, IUCN-UNESCO Meeting Report, November 1994, IUCN Commission on Education and Communication, Edited by Peter Hulm, Gland, Switzerland,1995
Communication, an instrument of environmental policy
Frits Hesselink in: Planning education to care for the earth, Palmer, Joy, ed. ; Goldstein, Wendy, ed. ; Curnow, Anthony, ed. - IUCN Commission on Education and Communication ; IUCN ; Denmark, Danida ; UNEP - Gland : IUCN, 1995