Process Management
To face change and new challenges, we can advise you how to plan and monitor the performance of new tasks and activities. We bring knowledge, skills, tools, techniques and systems to define, visualize, measure, control and improve change processes, while managing a group of inter-dependent projects.
Large and complex change processes, e.g. the introduction of an innovation, the strengthening of capacities in a sector, or the change in communication practices ask for a special type of management. We provide you with tailored process management expertise.
We see all our interventions as part of your learning organization. We always focus on results and at the same time on the process. Even in a small projects. E.g. we combine the production of a communication tool with a process of developing the tool by its end users. And we coach you how to benefit most of the various interventions.
Examples of HECT Process Management Activities
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The Art of Positive Change
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Communication Strategy Tropenbos International
Client: Tropenbos International
In the opinion of the board of Tropenbos International (TBI) the organization has to make a major investment in communication to improve its impact and reputation. HECT is asked to help to formulate a communication strategy. HECT carries out an internal and external stakeholder analysis and coaches the managers to formulates a new position statement and brand. Improvements of internal communication are explored and initiated. HECT guides the design of a new website and the formulation of a new external communication strategy and provides the board, the managing director and staff with advice how to best implement the strategy.
Developing a CEPA Toolkit Client: IUCN, SCBD
Part of the Program of Work on Communication, Education and Public Awareness (CEPA) of the Secretariat of the Convention of Biological Diversity is the development of a CEPA toolkit. The Secretariat has asked IUCN to develop this toolkit with its global network of experts from the Commission on Education and Communication (CEC).
IUCN has commissioned HECT Consultancy to carry out this project. HECT selects a team of authors and carries out an on line demand articulation survey, based on earlier qualitative CEC research. On the basis of this survey the team outlines the content of the toolkit and test thsi with the end users. At the same time it carries out a supply side survey to collect as many ewxisting tools and information as possible. The toolkit is published online and prointed and launched. HECT accompanies the introduction with a special blog: the art of positive change.
Pdf: http://www.cbd.int/cepa/toolkit/2008/cepa/index.htm
Blog: http//:cepatoolkit.blogspot.com
Toolkit CEPA |
Introducing Eco-networks and Sustainable Development Client: AGRECO
AGRECO leads a consortium to carry out an European Union project to establish transboundary eco-networks in Bulgaria and Greece. Core of the project is the identification of a portfolio of sustainable development opportunities that can be funded from EU structural funds for regional development.
Advice the consortium on process management. Assist the project managers with communication advice how to position the project. How to package project information to have optimal impact with desired audiences. How to gain a top brain position for the project with key decision makers. How to manage expectations of stakeholders. How to organize knowledge management and how to organize an interactive final conference with all stakeholders. |
Strengthening capacities of Small Island Developing States Client: IUCN
Italian Development Cooperation intends to support IUCN as leader of a consortium of international conservation organizations to strengthen capacities in ecosystem management in Small Island Developing States (SIDS). HECT is asked how to go beyond organizing a few training workshops.
HECT advises to position and frame the project as developing strategies for living with rapid ecosystem change in small islands. And to interact with other sectors than just nature conservation. HECT coaches the consortium in the design and execution of a demand articulation process among stakeholder and end user groups. Qualitative research is undertaken through face to face and telephonic interviews. A scoping mission is carried out and quantitative research is done through a global on line survey. HECT facilitates the process and meetings of the consortium and advises on communication to generate impact with key audiences.
Pdf: Report of a Scoping Visit to Mauritius
Introducing a Conservation Learning Network Client: Foundation for Our Future
IUCN is engaged in the realization of a network in which environmental faculties and institutes of higher education worldwide share knowledge among themselves and with the community of international conservation and development organizations.
The program is managed by Foundation for Our Future. HECT is asked to provide process management, support the initiative with a stakeholder analysis, a needs assessment for a first e-learning course, marketing and communication advice. In several countries surveys are undertaken, a draft business plan is developed, potential partners are identified and a first international meeting of the network is organized; follow up activities are carried out to manage expectations and to get ‘a buzz going’. Compile lessons learned for IUCN in a white book ‘Redefining Capacity building for the 21st Century’.
Pdf: Redefining Capacity Development for the 21st Century
Strengthening Capacities in Biodiversity Communication Client: SPAN Consultants, IUCN (PIN Matra)
The IUCN, as one of the co-ordinators of Action Theme 3 of the Pan European Biological and Landscape Diversity Strategy, and with support of the Dutch PIN Matra program is building capacity in the field of communication and stakeholder management among government officials and NGOs responsible for biodiversity conservation in accession countries. The project is managed by SPAN Consultants. HECT is asked to provide process management, prepare a manual and facilitate international training sessions and guide the capacity building process in three countries. Over a period of six years HECT organizes with the help of local consultants training workshops, pilot projects and coaches of managers of government agencies and networks of young professionals. In international workshops the experiences in the various accession countries are exchanged. An external evaluator is briefed to analyze impact in the various countries and lessons learned.
Communicating ARPA
The Donor consortium of the Amazon Region Protected Areas Project (ARPA) has expressed the need to be more strategic in communication in order to more effectively reach the objectives.
WWF-Brazil has offered to arrange for a consultancy and asked HECT Consultancy to advice on a process towards the formulation of a communication strategy. Together with communication officers from partner organizations HECT engages in a process of stakeholder analysis and focus groups. In a report the steps towards a communication strategy to be formulated in dialogue with the partners are outlined.
Mainstreaming biodiversity towards private Forest Owners Client: IUCN European Program
The European Program of IUCN is working with FAO and the European Association of Private Landowners in a program to strengthen capacities for sustainable management of private land in the new accession countries.
As transition of the economy has resulted in the privatization of large areas of forests, the focus of IUCN is on biodiversity conservation. HECT Consultancy is asked to help representatives of private forest owners associations to introduce of biodiversity conservation to their members. In three pilots a marketing approach is tested and positive change is realized. A manual for communication and the lessons learned are published and disseminated during an international seminar of FAO, IUCN, CEPF and Pro Silva in Zamardy, Hungary.
Pdf: Communicating Biodiversity to Private Forest Owners
Introducing interactive policy making for the Brown Agenda Client: Ministry of Environment, Brasilia
The Secretariat for Environmental Quality of the Ministry of Environment of Brazil (SQA) is in the process of revisiting its communication policy for the “brown agenda” as it wants to change towards a more inter-active mode of policymaking.
SQA has asked HECT to help to develop and introduce a new communication strategy: internally and externally. Internal communication is analysed and improvements are implemented. HECT conducts an external stakeholder analysis. In an international workshop with counterparts of European Ministries, SQA formulates recommendations for external communication. To internalize the findings of the workshop, HECT organizes seminars with the staff of the various SQA project teams. Experiences and challenges of stakeholder management are discussed and through professional dialogues on concrete cases options and obstacles identified. On the basis of the outcomes of the seminars, a communication strategy is formulated with key actors of the SQA management and opportunities and restraints are explored to manage the change process. The findings are discussed with the top of the Ministry to integrate changes in the ongoing process of organization change of the Ministry. |
Communicating the PARC project Client: IUCN Vietnam
The UNDP funded project - Creating protected areas for resource conservation through landscape ecology (PARC) - implemented in three parks, is in its final stage and aims for an extension with a next phase.
Internal and external communication has been virtually absent in the ToR. As a result the project faces a negative image among various stakeholder groups. As advisor to the Vietnamese government project office, IUCN asks HECT Consultancy to advise on the situation and to coach the office in formulating a communication strategy. To analyse the situation, HECT carries out a quick scan among stakeholders at the park and provincial level, the state level and the international level. On the basis of the analysis HECT guides the process of formulating a strategy in planning and writing sessions with key actors.
Introducing a Portal for Sustainable Development Client: One World, Amsterdam
The Dutch Committee for Sustainable Development intends to start a internet portal. Coach the start up with marketing research and advice. After its merger with the portal ‘Doris’, One World faces new challenges of integration, marketing and acquisition. Provide the new director of One World with hands on advice in various aspects of management and coach him on demand in issues he feels he needs some feedback and advice. |
Initiating communities of Practice in Biodiversity Education Client: Ministry of Agriculture, Nature Management & Fisheries, The Hague & IUCN Gland
As a contribution to COP 6 (the Conference of Parties of the Convention on Biological Diversity; UNCED, Rio de Janeiro, 1992) and in the frame work of the Dutch Inter-ministerial Program 'Learning for Sustainability', the Dutch Ministry of Agriculture, Nature Management and Fisheries (LNV) intends to organise an Expert Meeting on Biodiversity, Education and Public Awareness: towards global communities of practice.
Manage the marketing, design and organization of this meeting in co-operation with the IUCN Commission on Education and Communication (CEC). Prepare for the conference through an online professional dialogue (BEPA Online) with participants from all over the world. Facilitate the meeting and formulate recommendations for follow-up during COP6.
[werkt niet: http://www.iucn.org/themes/cec/extra/bepadebate/index.html]
Initiating communities of Practice in education for sustainability Client: Ministry of Agriculture, Nature Management & Fisheries, The Hague & IUCN Gland
Organise as follow-up of the Pan European Expert Meeting Sustainable Development and Environmental Education (Soesterberg, January 1999) an internet discussion among experts, which provides Dutch environmental educators with relevant new data and initiatives of education for sustainable development.
Make the discussion interesting and attractive for pioneers from all over the world to participate and for a broader group to follow. Support the initiative with targeted publicity and after care by ensuring co-operation from the relevant international organisations.
Capture lessons learned in a final IUCN publication.
Website: http://www.iucn.org/themes/cec/extra/esdebate/index.html
Pdf: ESDebate
Introducing Distance Education on Environmental Communication Client: Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Netherlands (Matra)
New legislation makes professional development in environmental management and communication compulsory. In a Mou between the Dutch Ministry of Environment and its Russian counterpart, Parties have agreed to cooperate on the development of a distance learning course on environmental communication and participation. In a later stage this course is to be certified by the Russian Ministry of Education. HECT is asked to carry out this project. In dialogue with the project stakeholders HECT selects a project team of Dutch and Russian experts.
To define the outline of an e-learning and distance education course on environmental communication –HECT carries out a needs analysis and situation analysis with the help from its Russian counterpart, DDO Ltd, Institute for Distance Education and a number of experts from Russian Universities and NGOs. The course is developed in English, translated and adapted to the Russian situation with Russian cases and illustrations. The online version is tested, CD ROMs, printed versions are produced and distributed and a customer satisfaction survey is carried out among end users.
Improving development cooperation for community forestry Client: Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Helsinki
Finland supports the strengthening of capacities in forestry training institutes in Indonesia, Vietnam, Philippines, Ghana, Tanzania en Nicaragua. The institutes develop and implement programs for further training for foresters and rural extension officers in the area of community forestry. They combine this with concrete activities for their students and teachers to support community forestry initiatives in the areas around the Institute.
HECT is asked to look at the organization of the program in the Ministry and to evaluate the country projects in order to advise the Ministry whether to continue, to discontinue or to phase out the project. HECT assembles a team of forestry and educational management experts and carries out a situation analysis, evaluates the country projects, and formulates conclusions and recommendations as a basis for further management decisions. The highlights of the advice are presented and discussed with the decision makers in the Ministry and the Finnish implementing organization.
Revitalizing the IUCN Commission on Education and Communication Client: Ministry of Agriculture, Nature Management and Fisheries, The Hague
The Ministry considers education and communication of the utmost importance for international nature conservation. For a number of years the Ministry has committed substantial financial support to the work of the IUCN Commission on Education and Communication (CEC). Provide leadership to this Commission. Start a change process to turn the existing ‘Northern old boys network’ of the Commission into a modern and really global knowledge network in communication and learning for change, that adds value to IUCN and its members. |