Research and Advice
We carry out target group research, marketing research, focus groups and demand articulation surveys. We analyze with you facts and figures. And we advise you on the best strategy or options for effective approaches to change attitudes and behavior.
With the help of specialised professionals we do qualitative and quantitative research, ranging from telephonic interviews and focus groups to online surveys. Based on this research we advice and coach you to draw your own conclusions on how best to organize communication, training or knowledge management.
Examples of HECT Research and Advice Activities
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WWF Customer satisfaction survey
Client: WWF NBrazil
WWF Brazil is one of the partners in the Amazon Region Protected Areas Project. WWF Brazil has various roles as donor, as implementing organization and as an advisor to the Brazilian Federal State and the States in the Amazon region.
WWF has asked to carry out a quick scan to explore the satisfaction of the partners with the work of WWF within this project. HECT carried out interviews with partners and presented findings and recommendations in a short report on Customer satisfaction.
Customer Satisfaction Survey IUCN Commission on Education and Communication Clients: IUCN
The IUCN Commission on Education and Communication has to formulate a new mandate and strategic plan for the new inter-sessional period of the IUCN program.
HECT is asked to help positioning the Commission closer to the IUCN program. Through face to face and telephonic interviews, HECT carries out a quick scan to assess customer satisfaction, needs and new demands of several key stakeholders of the Commission. On the basis of the analysis recommendations are formulated for a new positioning and a questionnaire is developed for a quantitative survey among the 600 Commission members.
Pdf: Perception is the only reality
Customer Satisfaction Survey among users of Distance Education on Environmental Communication and Public Participation Client: Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Netherlands (Matra)
The Matra Program of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs wants to assess the impact of the distance education course. HECT Consultancy organizes and guides an evaluation process by external experts, who conduct face to face and telephonic interviews with key stakeholder and end user groups in the project. Dissemination, outreach and customer satisfaction are measured. It is too early to measure changes in behaviour or practice. A final report formulates recommendations from the lessons learnt for the client and the implementing organizations. and In a face to face debriefing HECT clarifies highlights of the report and priorities for follow-up action.
Customer Satisfaction Survey IVN Documentation Centre Client: IVN, Association for Environmental Education, Amsterdam
The IVN provides in co-operation with Friends of the Earth a national information facility in the field of environmental education. This facility contains the updating and operation of a library and documentation centre.
Recent changes in the information needs of the users call for a rethinking of the current services and re-positioning of the facility in the context of the environmental education information ‘household’ at large. HECT focuses the survey on services and skills that the centre could provide that are necessary to satisfy the needs of the customers. The findings are written down in a final report with strategic advice and the outline of an information management plan.
Customer Satisfaction Survey IVN Client: IVN, Association for Environmental Education, Amsterdam
IVN is the project leader of the Project Professional Improvement of the Governmental Program Extra Impulse Environmental Education. Explore needs and demands of relevant actors and clients. Provide the IVN with strategic advice on ways of adding value to their work and projects. Give advice and guidance to the consultants who are carrying training activities for the various national, provincial and local environmental education organisations.
Demand Articulation for CEPA Toolkit Client: IUCN, SCBD
Part of the Program of Work on Communication, Education and Public Awareness (CEPA) of the Secretariat of the Convention of Biological Diversity is the development of a CEPA toolkit. The Secretariat has asked IUCN to develop this toolkit with its global network of experts from the Commission on Education and Communication (CEC).
IUCN has commissioned HECT Consultancy to carry out this project. HECT selects a team of authors and carries out an on line demand articulation survey, based on earlier qualitative CEC research. First twenty telephonic interviews are carried out. On the basis of the first findings a questionnaire is formulated for an online surevy taht is distributed to the networks of the Sevcretariats of Environmental Conventions, IUCN and Conservation International. More than hundred respondents send back the questionnaire. The findings are deiscussed with the team of authors, IUCN and SCBD. HECT writes down the conclusions in a final report.
Pdf: CEPA Toolkit: Results Demand Articulation Survey
Demand Articulation Capacity Development SIDS Client: IUCN, Italian Development Cooperation
Italian Development Cooperation intends to support IUCN as leader of a consortium of international conservation organizations to strengthen capacities in ecosystem management in Small Island Developing States (SIDS). HECT is asked how to go beyond organizing a few training workshops.
HECT advises to position and frame the project as ‘developing strategies for living with rapid ecosystem change in small islands’. And to interact with other sectors than just nature conservation. HECT coaches the consortium in the design and execution of a demand articulation process among stakeholder and end user groups. Qualitative research is undertaken through face to face and telephonic interviews. A scoping mission is carried out and quantitative research is done through a global on line survey. HECT facilitates the process and meetings of the consortium and advises on communication to generate impact with key audiences.
Pdf: Island voices – island choices
Demand articulation Communication Training Participants Dinaric Arc Client: IUCN European Program
In partnership with WWF IUCN is engaged in a mountain conservation strategy for the Dinaric Alps. A consortium of NGOs from Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia, Montenegro, Macedonia, Kosovo, Serbia and Albania is involved in the project. The partners indicate that they lack sufficient networking and communication skills. HECT is asked to organize a training workshop for them. To prepare for this workshop HECT carries out a quick scan – through telephonic interviews - to articulate in more detail the training demand of the participants of the workshop. On the basis of the findings a three day interactive professional updating seminar is designed and executed.
Demand Articulation for ITTO Handbook on Forest Landscape Restoration Client: ITTO
To support the implementation of the ITTO Guidelines for forest landscape restoration, a consortium of ITTO, Swiss Development Cooperation, CIFOR, WWF and IUCN partners has decided to develop a manual for practitioners on the ground.
Experts from SDC, IUCN, WWF and CIFOR are providing the content. HECT is asked to conduct a survey among end users of the manual - forest managers in different ITTO countries - to explore the demand side. Through telephonic interviews HECT clarifies expectations from the field and advisea the authors on the format and didactics of the manual and how to test and adapt the draft through a series of national workshops.
Demand Articulation and Marketing Research for the WCLN Network Client: Foundation for Our Future
IUCN is engaged in the realization of a network in which environmental faculties and training institutes worldwide share knowledge among themselves and with the community of international conservation and development organizations.
The program is managed by Foundation for Our Future. HECT is asked to support the initiative with a stakeholder analysis, a needs assessment for a first e-learning course and marketing advice. In several countries surveys are undertaken, a draft business plan is developed, potential partners are identified and a first international meeting of the network is organized; follow up activities are carried out to manage expectations and to get ‘a buzz going’.
Demand Articulation and Marketing Research Internet Portal Sustainable Develpoment Client: NCDO, the Dutch Commission for Sustainable Development, Amsterdam
The NCDO intends to provide new services to various target groups in the field of sustainable development in the Netherlands. It wants to develop a website that will operate as a portal for websites of organisations active in the field of sustainable development, with search engines, news updates, vacancy announcements, who is who catalogues and other services.
HECT is asked to coach the start up with marketing research and advice. A demand articulation survey is carried out through face to face and telephonic interviews, focus groups and surveys among potential partners and users. HECT presents the findings and conclusions in a report and discusses option for action in a series of meetings with the management of the portal.
Demand articulation National Biodiversity Co-ordinators in Asia Client: IUCN, Gland
In partnership with UNESCO and the CBD Secretariat, IUCN is developing project proposals to support and build capacity in communication of national biodiversity strategy co-ordinators worldwide.
HECT is asked to explore what the needs of the national biodiversity co-ordinators are and how international initiatives could be tailored to their demands. HECT formulates recommendations to tailor existing project ideas of the SCBD-UNESCO expert group to the needs at the various national levels. Finally HECT presents the conclusions and recommendations to a meeting of the international expert group.
Pdf: Communication Training
For Asian Biodiversity Co-Ordinators: A Needs Assessment
Focus Groups to articulate the demand for a Biodiversity Guide Client: IUCN Business and Biodiversity Program, ACCOR
French Development Cooperation and ACCOR are funding IUCN to develop a Biodiversity Guide for Hotel Managers. HECT is asked by the project team to assist with testing the idea and articulating the demand among hotel managers through focus groups. On the basis of the focus groups the information for the guidelines is outlined and packaged tailored to the demands of the end users. HECT advises on the communication section of the publication on PR and distribution aspects of the publication.
Focus Groups Young Professionals to test idea of Virtual University Client: IUCN
The IUCN Commission on Education and Communication is planning to realize a virtual university for nature conservation and sustainable development.
The World Parks Congress offers an opportunity to explore the feasibility among some of the stakeholder groups. Explore the professional updating needs of young and other professionals in protected areas through focus groups and questionnaires. The feedback generated in the focus groups and analyzed by HECT leads to a reformulation of the initiative into a learning network of institutions of higher education and a business-to-business approach, characterised by end user participation, demand orientation, balance between the diversity of educational outlets and on going market analysis.
Pdf: Towards a Conservation Learning Network
Project Evaluation Support to Community Oriented Further Training in Forestry Indonesia Client: Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Helsinki
In Indonesia the Samarinda Forest Training Centre has carried out - in the frame work of the SUCOF project - a training needs assessment, developed a curriculum, produced and tested training modules and materials for further training and organized training of employees of three commercial plywood mills.
HECT interviews project stakeholders in the country, conducts evaluation research in the project location, provides feedback on a range of issues requested by the donor and discusses its findings and recommendations with the project recipients and local authorities.
Project Evaluation Support to Community Oriented Further Training in Forestry Philippines Client: Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Helsinki
In the Philippines the Agro-Forestry Development Centre in Bislig, Mindanao, has helped - with on site training and extension and through course in the Centre - thirty families in five forest communities to each set aside 0,5 ha for ‘learning by doing’ the new practice of agro=forestry: e.g. intercropping, tree planting and cultivation, marketing, community planning.
HECT interviews project stakeholders in the country, conducts evaluation research in the project location, provides feedback on a range of issues requested by the donor and discusses its findings and recommendations with the project recipients and local authorities.
Project Evaluation Support to Community Oriented Further Training in Forestry Vietnam Client: Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Helsinki
In Vietnam the Forest University in Xuan Mai focuses its country project on the production of teaching materials, assistance for model farms, a range of in-house and on location training courses to assist teachers and extensionists to support rural development in communities in the Hoa Binh Province with a range of skills and professional updates in the field of agro-forestry.
HECT interviews project stakeholders in the country, conducts evaluation research in the project location, provides feedback on a range of issues requested by the donor and discusses its findings and recommendations with the project recipients and local authorities.
Project Evaluation Support to Community Oriented Further Training in Forestry Tanzania Client: Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Helsinki
In Tanzania the project made a large investment in training the staff of FITI, the Forestry Training College in Moshi – that stopped its certified courses since 1993 - to enable them to support small-scale forest industries to improve their production, techniques, income and customer satisfaction.
HECT interviews project stakeholders in the country, conducts evaluation research in the project location, provides feedback on a range of issues requested by the donor and discusses its findings and recommendations with the project recipients and local authorities.
Project Evaluation Support to Community Oriented Further Training in Forestry Ghana Client: Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Helsinki
In Ghana the project provided the College of Natural Resources in Sunyani with a saw mill, revenues are reinvested in improvement of the mill, seedling production, plantation establishment and extra allowances for teachers active in the yearly re-establishment of plantations on the forest reserve lands with participation of families of various communities. The plantations are to provide the mill with raw material after about 15 years.
HECT interviews project stakeholders in the country, conducts evaluation research in the project location, provides feedback on a range of issues requested by the donor and discusses its findings and recommendations with the project recipients and local authorities.
Project Evaluation Support to Community Oriented Further Training in Forestry Nicaragua Client: Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Helsinki
In Nicaragua the project focused on planning, marketing and organization of training for foresters (including the preparation of a range of learning tools) and six demonstration plots of community forestry and a revolving fund for a group of fifty farmers near the training institute of INTECFOR.
HECT interviews project stakeholders in the country, conducts evaluation research in the project location, provides feedback on a range of issues requested by the donor and discusses its findings and recommendations with the project recipients and local authorities.
Project Evaluation SUCOF International Development Cooperation Program Client: Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Helsinki
Finland supports the strengthening of capacities in forestry training institutes in Indonesia, Vietnam, Philippines, Ghana, Tanzania en Nicaragua. The institutes develop and implement programs for further training for foresters and rural extension officers in the area of community forestry. They combine this with concrete activities for their students and teachers to support community forestry initiatives in the areas around the Institute.
HECT is asked to look at the organization of the program in the Ministry and to evaluate the country projects in order to advise the Ministry whether to continue, to discontinue or to phase out the project. HECT assembles a team of forestry and educational management experts and carries out a situation analysis, evaluates the country projects, and formulates conclusions and recommendations as a basis for further management decisions. The highlights of the advice are presented and discussed with the decision makers in the Ministry and the Finnish implementing organization.
22 Situation Analysis Capacity Development for Conservation Client: Foundation for Our Future
IUCN is engaged in the realization of a network in which environmental faculties and institutes of higher education worldwide share knowledge among themselves and with the community of international conservation and development organizations.
The program is managed by Foundation for Our Future. HECT is asked to provide process management, support the initiative with a stakeholder analysis, a needs assessment for a first e-learning course, marketing and communication advice. In several countries surveys are undertaken, a draft business plan is developed, potential partners are identified and a first international meeting of the network is organized; follow up activities are carried out to manage expectations and to get ‘a buzz going’. Complile lessons learned ‘for IUCN in a white book ‘Redefining Çapacity building for the 21st Century’.
Pdf: Redefining Capacity Development for the 21st Century
Situation Analysis Interactive Policymaking SQA, Brazil Client: Ministry of Environment, Brasilia
The Secretariat for Environmental Quality of the Ministry of Environment of Brazil is in the process of introducing a more interactive way of policy making for its “brown agenda”.
The Secretariat has HECT Consultancy to help develop a new strategy. The assignment is carried out in cooperation with Brazilian consultants from Ecom, Sao Paulo and Brasilia. In the first phase (6 months) consultants from ECOM and HECT Consultancy carry out a stakeholder and situation analysis through face to face and telephonic interviews with the various stakeholder groups of the Ministry, at the international and federal level, the state level and at the local level (large cities, universities and NGOs). The findings are discussed with the Secretary and his team and next steps are formulated.
Situation Analysis Environmental Education and Training in Europe Client: European Commission, DG XI, Brussels
Since many years the Commission invests money, time and energy in stimulating environmental education and training in Europe. At the doorstep of the new millennium the Commission wants to assess the state of affairs and look at the future. Through an international conference the Commission wants to involve experts from Member States in this process. Prepare for this conference a background paper to stimulate the discussion. Do so on the basis of pilot interviews with experts from the Member States. Give an overview of the accomplishments of the Commission, the trends in the professional discussion, the roles in which the Commission might have optimal added value and the concrete activities which will fit those roles. Initiate the discussion among the national experts through a keynote speech during the conference, formulate the conclusions of the conference and write a final report with recommendations for follow up actions by the Commission.
Pdf: Environmental Education And Training In Europe
Situation Analysis Learning for Sustainability in Europe Client: UNESCO, Paris
UNESCO as task manager of Chapter 36 of Agenda 21 publishes regularly the state of the art with regard to Education for Sustainable Development. UNESCO has asked HECT Consultancy to carry out a situation analysis with regard to education for sustainable development in Europe. HECT carries out telephonic interviews with a range of key actors in government and in the field in different European countries. HECT writes down the findings and conclusions in an article to be published in Prospects (113), March 2000.
Situation Analysis &Communicating Wetland Conservation in Iran& Client: UNDP/Ramsar, Gland
Iran intends to set up a national programme for the conservation of wetlands. UNDP provides financial support and the Ramsar Bureau co-ordinates the technical input. An international team of experts in various fields carries out – in co-operation with Iranian experts – research on the basis of which the programme can be most effectively formulated. Assess communication needs in the field of wetland conservation in Iran. Provide advice to the team in the field of environmental awareness and education and train the Iranian experts in the various aspects of environmental communication and participation.
Situation Analysis Social Instruments Client: Dutch Inter Departmental Steering Group Environmental Education/NCDO, Amsterdam
The concept of social instruments is central in the discussion on the role of environmental education as a policy instrument.
Little is known how experts outside the field of environmental education view the role of environmental education within the framework of social instruments. HECT is asked to explore how policymakers and social policy scientists see the role of social instruments and the contribution of environmental education. HECT formulates recommendations for a more effective use of environmental education as a policy instrument. The recommendations are discussed with the client in a number of interactive sessions.
Stakeholder Analysis Tropenbos International Client: Tropenbos International
In the opinion of the board of Tropenbos International (TBI) the organization has to make a major investment in communication to improve its impact and reputation. HECT is asked to help to formulate a communication strategy. HECT carries out an internal and external stakeholder analysis and coaches the managers to formulates a new position statement and brand. Improvements of internal communication are explored and initiated. HECT guides the design of a new website and the formulation of a new external communication strategy and provides the board, the managing director and staff with advice how to best implement the strategy.
Towards a joint communication Strategy for the Amazon region Protected Areas Client: WWF Brazil
ARPA Donors expressed the need has been expressed to be more strategic in communication to more effectively reach the objectives.
WWF-Brazil has offered to arrange for a consultancy and asked HECT Consultancy to advice on a process towards the formulation of a communication strategy. Together with communication officers from partner organizations HECT engaged in a process of stakeholder analysis and focus groups. In a report the steps towards a communication strategy to be formulated in dialogue with the partners are outlined.
Stakeholder Analysis Forests for Life Program Client: WWF International Forest program
Based on a common vision ‘Forest for Life Strategy’, the Forest Programs of WWF and IUCN have closely collaborated in the last decade.
Staff turnover, work pressure and new priorities in both organizations have caused strains in the collaboration. The team leaders of both programs want to revitalize the strategic alliance. They have asked HECT Consultancy to help organize a strategic planning session of both teams to jointly explore new opportunities, build mutual trust and invest in teambuilding. HECT carries out a quick scan on perceptions of the various stakeholders involved, designs and facilitates a meeting with both teams. A new vision is developed, the two organizations reengage in a two way flow of information and joint activities. After several months an evaluation and coaching session is carried out with both team leaders.
Stakeholder Analysis Ecosystem Restoration Program Clients: IUCN CEM
The Commission on Ecosystem Management (CEM) has identified Ecosystem Restoration as one of its major programmatic elements. It has initiated an Ecosystem Restoration Working Group to formulate and provide leadership to an Ecosystem Restoration Work Program. A first meeting of this group was held in Edinburgh (15 – 18 July 2002). This meeting planned first activities: the formulation of a rationale and criteria for collecting case studies. The group should reach consensus on these two documents in a next meeting and plan further programmatic activities to guarantee the right impact of these documents with relevant audiences.
HECT is asked to help facilitate the consensus building process between the various stakeholders in the new program. Through face to face and telephonic interviews, HECT carries out a quick scan to assess perceptions of stakeholders and test new ideas. On the basis of the interviews a process is outlines for a number of sessions to reach consensus between the stakeholders. HECT facilitates these meetings and the joint formulation of the program.
Stakeholder Analysis IUCN Commission on Ecosystem Management Clients: IUCN CEM
The IUCN Commission on Ecosystem Management has to formulate a new mandate and strategic plan for the next inter-sessional period of the IUCN program.
HECT is asked to help to re-positioning the Commission. Through face to face and telephonic interviews, HECT carries out a quick scan to assess ;perceptions of stakeholders and test new ideas for the CEM program. On the basis of the analysis recommendations are formulated for a new positioning and a questionnaire is developed for a quantitative survey among the 200 Commission members. The results, conclusions and recommendations are discussed with the CEM leadership.
Stakeholder Analysis SUCOF program Finland Client: Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Helsinki
For a long period the Finnish Ministry of Foreign Affairs has provided financial support to Community Oriented Further Training in Forestry in Indonesia, the Philippines, Vietnam, Ghana, Tanzania and Nicaragua. It needs advice how to proceed. To analyze the situation HECT conducts desk research and interviews and conducts focus groups among the stakeholders of the project in Finland. With the client and FTP International the project implementing agency, the analysis is discussed and ToR for the evaluation are refined.
Strategic Analysis Knowledge Networking and Learning IUCN NL Client: IUCN NL
The Netherlands Committee for IUCN is in the process of formulating a Program on 'Ecosystems and Human Wellbeing' for the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs. HECT is asked to advise on the knowledge management and learning aspects of this project to grant and administer small funds for NGOs in developing countries. Through desk research and telephonic interviews with key actors, HECT carries out a strategic analysis of demand and supply of knowledge and modalities to let knowledge optimally stream. In a series of meetings with staffs HECT coaches IUCN to integrate the findings in the project proposal.
Advice Knowledge Management 'Learning for Sustainability Program' Client: Dutch Interdepartmental Steering Group Learning for Sustainability/NCDO, Amsterdam
Six Ministries co-operate in a four years programme to introduce into various segments of the Dutch society the concept of “Learning for Sustainability”. The programme is implemented through the twelve provincial authorities.
HECT is asked to provide the Steering Group and the Programme Manager with advice on the most relevant actors, content, instruments, priorities and organizational conditions for knowledge management. HECT engages in a series of interviews with key users and suppliers and presents findings and conclusions in a report and a presentation for the steering group and facilitates a series of sessions with key decision makers on how to integrate the advice in day to day management decisions.
Supply Survey for CEPA Toolkit Client: IUCN, SCBD
Part of the Program of Work on Communication, Education and Public Awareness (CEPA) of the Secretariat of the Convention of Biological Diversity is the development of a CEPA toolkit. The Secretariat has asked IUCN to develop this toolkit with its global network of experts from the Commission on Education and Communication (CEC).
IUCN has commissioned HECT Consultancy to carry out this project. HECT selects a team of authors and carries out an on line demand articulation survey, based on earlier qualitative CEC research. First twenty telephonic interviews are carried out. On the basis of the first findings a questionnaire is formulated for an online surevy taht is distributed to the networks of the Sevcretariats of Environmental Conventions, IUCN and Conservation International. More than hundred respondents send back the questionnaire. The findings are deiscussed with the team of authors, IUCN and SCBD. HECT writes down the conclusions in a final report.
Pdf: CEPA Toolkit Results Supply Side Survey
Strategic Analysis Knowledge Management Environmental Education Client: Dutch Inter Departmental Steering Group Environmental Education/NCDO, Amsterdam
Professionals in the field of environmental education have formulated a strong wish for improvement of the information management. This wish is formulated in the demand for a centre of expertise, academic research and other means. Explore the demand side at the local level and make an inventory where they search for information, which gaps exists and in which ways an optimal impulse can be given for improvement of the information management structure.
Strategic Analysis Knowledge Management Provincial Networks Client: Dutch Inter Departmental Steering Group Environmental Education/NCDO, Amsterdam
Earlier research has pointed out that local environmental education professionals look for their information first among the colleagues in their own organisation. To introduce innovations in their work these professionals look then to their peers and their professional networks. To stimulate such networks the provincial education support centres can play an important role. Explore in which way this support can be realised in a demand oriented way. Formulate recommendations in a final report and discuss the recommendations with the national and provincial environmental education support centres.
Strategic Analysis Knowledge Management European Union Environmental Information Client: Ministry of Housing, Physical Planning (VROM) and the Council for Environment and Nature Research (RMNO), The Hague
In the different EU Member States many institutes are responsible for the collection of various types of environmental data and information for the preparation and implementation of policies. The parameters en criteria for the collection of this data and information vary from country to country. For the future harmonisation seems desirable. The United Kingdom, the Netherlands and the European Environment Agency would like to stimulate such a development. For this purpose the UK intends to organise a special expert meeting at the end of its Chairmanship of the EU Council of Ministers. Explore which experts and policy makers from the various Member States should be invited, what are their perceptions of the state of affairs, obstacles and opportunities with regard to the collection of environmental data and information in Europe. Prepare on the basis of a pilot meeting the outlines for a background paper and key note speeches for the conference.