Tools and Training
To make a difference with your personnel and audiences, we can provide you with simple tools, coaching, knowledge management and training. Based on years of practical experience with campaigns, corporate communication, media, and interactive communication.
We develop communication and participation means tailored to the needs and expectations of the target group: brochures, cd-roms, videos, websites, manuals for creative and productive interaction and training. We develop and provide training courses for different professionals in communication and participation techniques.
Examples of HECT Tools and Training Activities
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Barcelona summary video report
Client: Institute for Environmental Security, The Hague; Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Netherlands
The roundtable Climate Change and Security during the IUCN World Conservation Congress in Barcelona 2008 brought for the first time two worlds together. Leaders from the international security sector and conservation leaders. The security sector was represented by CEO of military think tanks, ministries of defense, and retired generals. The conservation world was represented by the CEO, President and Councillors of IUCN and representatives of IUCN members. The idea of the round table was to start a process towards partnerships for the co-creation of solutions for the climate change issues both worlds so far are tackling in the isolation of their respective silos. To provide participants in the round table with a tool to spread the messages and experiences of the round table and the networking afterwards among their internal and external audiences, HECT managed a film crew and edited an 8 minute summary video report, that was made available over the internet to participants the week after the round table.
Video: Barcelona video
Barcelona web base round table report
Client: Institute for Environmental Security, The Hague; Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Netherlands
To provide participants and other interested parties with access to all the introductions, the conclusions of the workshop, the statements to the press and the interviews with key participants, HECT managed a film crew and compiled video report, that was made available over the internet by a second mailing to participants two weeks after the round table.
Video: Barcelona web based videoreport
Barcelona hardcopy report
Client: Institute for Environmental Security, The Hague; Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Netherlands
To provide participants and other interested parties with access to all the introductions, the conclusions of the workshop, the statements to the press and the interviews with key participants, HECT managed the production of a hard copy report, that was send to key participants and the donors and made available over the internet by a third mailing to participants and other interested parties a month after the round table.
Pdf: Report on the Roundtable Workshop Barcelona 2008
Conservation Results by Managing Change
Client: IUCN (PIN Matra)
IUCN intends to disseminate the lessons learned in the 6-year project strengthening communication capacities in EU Accession countries and to lobby decision makers in those countries to invest more in communication in the process of exploring and designating Natura 2000 sites. HECT is asked to develop a brochure, as take away from IUCN meetings with its government members.
HECT frames the issue in the brochure as Conservation Results by Managing Change. With the help of local consultants HECT interviews Ministers and high officials of the five countries where the project was carried out. Their testimonials give the key messages about the benefits of integrating planned and participatory communication in conservation policy and practice.
Pdf: Conservation Results by Managing Change
Mainstreaming Biodiversity Clients: IUCN, UNESCO, SCBD
IUCN, UNESCO and the CBD Secretariat have been working on a draft Working program for Communication, Education and Public Awareness (CEPA). To lobby Parties to the Convention during CBD COP 6, HECT and its partner SPAN Consultants are asked to develop a communication strategy to lobby delegates to vote for the Work Program. A short video is produced to be shown during the plenary, a side event with key stakeholders is planned the day before the agenda item will be discussed and a brochure is developed to clarify the role of CEPA in biodiversity conservation.
Read the full article here [pdf]: Mainstreaming Biological Diversity
Video COP 6: Mainstreaming biodiversity
Communication as a Policy Instrument Client: IUCN
IUCN intends to lobby the Conference of European Ministers of Environment in Sofia to refer explicitly to the importance of Communication and Education in their discussion on the Pan European Biological and Landscape Strategy. Many delegates have no experience with the concept of interactive policy making and the use of communication in the policy cycle. To raise awareness forr this idea Frits Hesselink - together with Agnes Gomis - develops a brochure that explains the role of communication in the policy cycle.
Read the full article here [pdf]: Communication
Communication Training Ramsar Managers Spain Client: Spanish Ministry of Environment
The Spanish Ministry of Environment intends to strengthen the capacities of Ramsar managers of regional governments. HECT is asked to design and carry out a training workshop. HECT carries out an online quick scan among participants to articulate their demand. Participants indicate that they need more knowledge and skills how to guide participatory processes.
HECT designs an interactive learning process for three days – that follows the same principles of participatory planning with wetland stakeholder. The program is carried out with the support of Spanish experts. In the evaluation participants indicate that they want a continuation of this workshop in their professional development program of next year.
Communication Training Module MSc Course Protected Area Management Client: University of Klagenfurt
The University of Klagenfurt has developed - with an international consortium of conservation organizations and experts – a MSc Course for Protected Area Management. Every two years about 25 Post Graduate students from all over the world take part in the course. They are mostly already working in protected areas or have extensive experience in nature conservation. HECT has developed and carries out the module on Communication in the Planning Phase of a Protected Area. The module is characterised by self learning, group work and the same principles that apply in the participatory planning process of a protected area.
Communication Training Module Post Graduate Summer Course Client: Autonomous University of Madrid
The Autonomous University of Madrid every year organizes a Post Graduate Summer Course on Environmental Education in Colmenar. HECT is asked to provide the Summer Course with a module on Communication, Education and Public Awareness (CEPA). HECT carries out an online quick scan among participants to articulate their demand. Participants indicate that they need more practical knowledge and skills how to guide communication processes. HECT designs an interactive learning process. The program is carried out with the support of Spanish experts.
Communication Training Participants Dinaric Arc Client: IUCN European Program
In partnership with WWF IUCN is engaged in a mountain conservation strategy for the Dinaric Alps. A consortium of NGOs from Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia, Montenegro, Macedonia, Kosovo, Serbia and Albania is involved in the project. The partners indicate that they lack sufficient networking and communication skills. HECT is asked to organize a training workshop for them. To prepare for this workshop HECT carries out a quick scan – through telephonic interviews - to articulate in more detail the training demand of the participants of the workshop. On the basis of the findings a three day interactive professional updating seminar is designed and executed.
Communication Training on Sustainable Development for Media Professionals Client: IUCN Pakistan
In partnership with UNESCO IUCN takes the lead in Pakistan to introduce the concept of education for sustainable development (ESD). As a major activity a Nation al Conference is organized to target not only the education sector, but also the private sector and the media. HECT is asked to give a key not speech on ESD and design and carry out a communication training workshop during this conference for media professionals. With the support of local experts HECT articulates the demand and designs and carries an interactive process of professional dialogue with representatives of Pakistani media.
Communication Training for Protected Area Managers Durban Client: IUCN
During the World Parks Congress in Durban IUCN intends to offer learning opportunities for protected area managers. HECT is asked to organize a training workshop on communication. To let the thirty participants personally experience the main principles of communication, they all get the opportunity to give individually a two minute presentation in front of the camera, with feedback by experts. In a parallel session the other participants have a professional dialogue of interactive communication, participatory processes and experience in role plays some of the principles of participatory planning.
Communication Training on CEPA for the Environmental Conventions Client: IUCN, Ministry of Environment Spain
The Spanish Ministry of Environment intends to contribute to the strengthening of communication capacities in Europe for the environmental conventions. HECT is asked to advise on the design of a workshop. HECT develops a case study format for participants to exchange examples of positive change and the role of communication. Based on its experience in communicating Natura 2000 in Europe, HECT provides a key note presentation for the workshop and helps participants with practical examples and feedback.
Communication Training Communication Staff WWF Brazil Client: WWF Brazil
The staff of WWF Brazil are used to focus in communication on mass media campaigns and other forms of one way communication. WWF wants to introduce to them the range of modalities of interactive communication. HECT is asked to prepare a one day workshop for all staff and another day for the communication staffs. In dialogue with the head of the communication unit HECT prepares two interactive workshops, in which participants gain personal experience of the range of interactive communication modalities and the situations where they add more value than one-way communication interventions.
Communication Training for Decision makers Ministry of Environment Client: Ministry of Environment Brazil
The Secretariat for Environmental Quality of the Ministry of Environment of Brazil (SQA) is in the process of revisiting its communication policy for the “brown agenda” as it wants to change towards a more inter-active mode of policymaking.
SQA has asked HECT to help to develop and introduce a new communication strategy: internally and externally. Part of the two and half year change process is an international seminar in which the top of SQA shares experiences and questions with their counterparts working for Ministries and International Organizations from around the world. HECT designs and facilitate the process of peer learning, with a minimum of one way presentations and a maximum of horizontal professional dialogue that addresses issues of change with regard to knowledge, attitudes and practices.
Communication Training Senior Advisors and Staffs SQA Client: Ministry of Environment, Brazil
The Secretariat for Environmental Quality and Human Settlements in the Ministry of Environment is in the process of changing towards a more interactive mode of policy making. This implies that Senior Advisors and Staffs need to invest in communication knowledge and skills. HECT is asked to prepare a series of workshops in which civil servants can update their professional knowledge. The workshops are designed on the basis of interviews with staff members to tailor the information and methodology to their expectations. It provides both information as practices to improve communication skills.
Communication Training for PERSGA Marine Conservationists Client: PERSGA, Saudi Arabia
PERSGA is a Program for Marine conservation in the Persian Golf and Aden. In all countries education and public awareness activities are carried out. HECT is asked to organize a workshop to strengthen capacities of participants to use communication for behaviour change. HECT carries out a quick scan to articulate the demand for learning in more detail and designs a one day workshop based on 20% information and 80% professional dialogue and peer learning.
Communication Training for Asian Public Participation Managers Client: Asia Europe Environment and Technology Centre, Bangkok
with a document on public participation in environmental matters. As a follow up the Asia Europe Environment and Technology Centre organizes with financial support of the European Union a conference in Bangkok on public participation in Asia. HECT is asked to prepare a key note presentation for the opening session and a communication training workshop on government communication and public participation and formulate the conclusions and recommendations of the conference for adoption in the closing session.
Pdf: Communication, Education & Public Awareness towards Participation in Sustainable Development
Communication Training for Latin American Biodiversity Managers Client: IUCN SUR
The South American Countries are in the process of implementing the Bioversity Convention. With the support of the GEF they are developing national biodiversity strategies (NBS) and -action plans. The strategies have to be developed in interaction with stakeholders from the society. Often the co-ordinators of the NBS do not know how to effectively involve those stakeholders. Develop for these South American co-ordinators a workshop about the principles of stakeholder management and the relevant communication instruments, based on the experiences of the participants. Provide opportunities for optimal interaction and effective learning: among other things by letting participants develop their own checklists.
HECT interviews project stakeholders in the country, conducts evaluation research in the project location, provides feedback on a range of issues requested by the donor and discusses its findings and recommendations with the project recipients and local authorities.
Communication Training for senior managers IUCN Pakistan Client: IUCN Pakistan Country Office
The Director of the IUCN Office in Pakistan wants to improve the leadership of the various offices in Pakistan, especially with regard to customer orientation, internal and external communication. Design a one-day professional up-dating workshop for ten managers. Make sure it is demand driven and provides practical tips that can be applied immediately.
Communication Training for IUCN Communication Staffs in Asia Client: IUCN Pakistan
The IUCN Asia region realizes that most of its programs and projects depend on participation of major stakeholders.
The success of a project does not only depend on technical solutions, but increasingly on the communication skills of the staff to involve the right people at the right time with the right messages and media. Develop, organize and facilitate in dialogue with Staff from the Karachi Office a 5-day training course on communication basics and stakeholder management for project staff from the Asian region. Follow-up with personal advice through an e-mail help desk.
Communication Training for Asian Biodiversity Co-ordinators Client: IUCN Asian Biodiversity Program
IUCN provides technical support to National Coordinators for Biodiversity Strategies in many countries.
One of the challenges for these coordinators is to develop the strategies in dialogue with major stakeholders and engage in public participation. This calls for effective communication. HECT is asked to analyse communication training needs and to develop and organize a training workshop for Asian Biodiversity Coordinators. HECT provides participants with a communication manual with checklists. After the workshop participants are supported through an e-mail helpdesk.
Communication Training for Education for Sustainable Development Professionals in Pakistan Client: IUCN Pakistan
IUCN Pakistan assists the Government of the Northern Areas in Pakistan with developing and implementing its Strategy for Sustainable Development. HECT is asked to develop, organize and facilitate - in dialogue with local IUCN staff in Karachi and Gilgit - a 5-day training workshop in Gilgit for civil servants and community leaders from the Northern Areas on education and communication for sustainable development.
Communication Training for Slovakian Foresters Client: Slovakian Ministry of Environment
Slovakia is in the process of accession and changing its conservation legislation and practices towards EU standards. To introduce Natura 2000 Slovakia wants to call on the expertise of its forest services. HECT is asked to organize a communication training workshop to strengthen capacities in participatory planning of Natura 2000 sites.
Communication Training for Slovenian Conservation Professionals Client: SPAN, PIN Matra
Slovenia is one of the countries participating in the IUCN project to strengthen communication capacities for conservation professionals. In a period of five years HECT guides - with the help of local consultants - a process of training workshops and learning by doing in pilot projects of staffs of NGOs, the Slovenian Environment Agency and the Conservation Institute and its regional branches. The process also strengthens the management and strategic planning capacity of the organizations involved.
Communication Training for Czech Biodiversity Managers Client: SPAN, PIN MATRA
The Czech Republic is one of the countries participating in the IUCN project to strengthen communication capacities for conservation professionals. In a period of two years HECT guides - with the help of local consultants - a process of training workshops and learning by doing in pilot projects of staffs of NGOs, the Czech Ministry of Environment and staffs of several Protected Areas. The process also strengthens the management and strategic planning capacity of the organizations involved.
Communication Training for Slovakian Biodiversity Managers Client: SPAN, PIN MATRA
Slovakia is one of the countries participating in the IUCN project to strengthen communication capacities for conservation professionals. In a period of five years HECT guides - with the help of local consultants - a process of training workshops and learning by doing in pilot projects of staffs of NGOs, the Slovak Ministry of Environment, Slovak Protected Areas and the Conservation Institute and its regional branches. The process also strengthens the management and strategic planning capacity of the organizations involved.
Communication Training for representatives of IUCN PEBLDS project Client: SPAN, PIN Matra
Every year an international training workshop is organized for the five countries participating in the IUCN project to strengthen communication capacities for conservation professionals. Together with its partner SPAN consultants, HECT designs these workshops into an optimal opportunity for participants – representatives of pilot projects and local consultants - for exchange of experiences and peer learning.
Communication Training for Biodiversity Managers of EU Accession countries Client: SPAN Consultants, IUCN (PIN Matra)
As one of the co-ordinators of Action Theme 3 of the Pan European Biological and Landscape Diversity Strategy, IUCN wants to stimulate and support training in the preparation and implementation of strategic communication and stakeholder management in five Central European Countries.
To start the project an two week international training is planned in Debe, Poland. HECT is asked to develop with its partner SPAN a series of training sessions targeted to civil servants who are responsible for communication of conservation policy and staffs of NGOs with comparable responsibilities from Poland, Hungary, Slovenia and the Czech and Slovak Republics. HECT and SPAN prepare a reader with relevant background materials. After the workshop the participants are guided through a online help desk with their first train the trainer activities in their own country. This lead to a next phase of 5 years of in country training and pilot projects in Poland, Czech Republic, Hungary, Slovakia and Slovenia.
Communication Advice & Training Youth Delegation to the Climate Conference in Kyoto Client: Ministry of Housing, Physical Planning and Environment (VROM), The Hague
The Minister of VROM intends to include youth in the official Dutch delegation to the Climate Conference in Kyoto.
Explore how the two youth members can best be prepared for the contents and procedures of the Conference. Give advice in which ways the rest of the delegation can integrate the participation of youth in their working procedures. Prepare a draft programme for the youth members for their stay in Kyoto. Provide the Dutch youth and their counterparts from Sweden and Austria with a two day media and communication training.
Workshops Social Instruments and Environmental Education Client: Dutch Inter Departmental Steering Group Environmental Education/NCDO, Amsterdam
The concept of social instruments is central in the discussion on the role of environmental education as a policy instrument.
For a large number of environmental education professionals the term social instrument is a rather vague container concept. HECT is asked to organise a series of provincial workshops for local and provincial education professionals, based on their questions and learning needs.
Manual communicating biodiversity to private forest owners Client: IUCN Warsaw Office
The IUCN Office in Warsaw is carrying out a project with FAO to integrate biodiversity in the forest management practices in European accession states. Design a communication training manual for forestry managers that helps them to communicate the importance of biodiversity to private forest owners. Design the manual in a demand oriented and practical way and use case studies from three accession countries.
Manual for training workshops on ITTO Guidelines Client: IUCN Forest Program
The IUCN Forest Progrram has been a key partner in developing ITTO Guidelines for Forest Landscape Restoration. To help implement these guidelines, IUCN is asked to organize a series of regional training workshops. Design a five-day professional updating program for forest managers in ITTO countries and develop a manual for these regional workshops in an interactive way with the regional IUCN staffs that will facilitate the workshops.
Pdf: Workshop Manual
Manual for communication training workshops in Asia Clients: IUCN Regional Office for Asia
The IUCN Regional Office for Asia caries out a GEF project to build capacity in the region to develop National Biodiversity Strategies and Action Plans. Communicating biodiversity is seen as an important area for strengthening the capacities of NBSAP coordinators. Carry out a demand articulation for communication training among these coordinators and design a training manual for a five day workshop for twenty NBSAP coordinators. Facilitate the workshop and update the manual on the basis of the experience and evaluation of the workshop.
Manual for communication training workshops in Europe Clients: SPAN, PIN Matra
IUCN is one of the leaders in implementing the education and communication paragraphs of the Pan European Landscape and Biodiversity Strategy. Carry out a demand articulation for communication training for government and NGO staffs in five accession countries responsible for communication and design a training manual for a ten day workshop for twenty professionals. Facilitate the workshop and update the manual on the basis of the experience and evaluation of the workshop.
Online Toolkit CEPA Client: Secretariat for the Convention on Biological Diversity
The Conference of the Parties has adopted a work program on communication, education and public awareness. One of the elements in the program is the development of a CEPA toolkit. Carry out an on line demand articulation for communication training among NBSAP coordinators worldwide and a supply survey among CEPA experts worldwide. Design with an international team of experts a toolkit and test it in the various international communication networks. As the process to print the toolkit would take more than a year, HECT consultancy donated the resources to make an on line version that was immediately available after the final version was tested. In 2008 a Spanish translation was made available online and on CD ROM.
Online tool for internal communication SQA Client: Minsitry of Environment Brazil
One of the first conclusions of the HECT quick scan how to improve communication for the Secretariat for Environmental Quality of the Ministry (SQA), was the weakness of internal communication. As one of the tools to help improve internal communication HECT and its partner ECOM developed an intranet for the ministry, based on a demand survey and after testing several modalities.
Online debate of Education and Public Awareness about Biodiversity Client: Ministry of Agriculture, Nature Management & Fisheries, The Hague & IUCN Gland
As a contribution to COP 6 (the Conference of Parties of the Convention on Biological Diversity; UNCED, Rio de Janeiro, 1992) and in the frame work of the Dutch Inter-ministerial Program 'Learning for Sustainability', the Dutch Ministry of Agriculture, Nature Management and Fisheries (LNV) intends to organise an Expert Meeting on Biodiversity, Education and Public Awareness: towards global communities of practice.
Manage the marketing, design and organization of this meeting in co-operation with the IUCN Commission on Education and Communication (CEC). Prepare for the conference through an online professional dialogue (BEPA Online) with participants from all over the world. Facilitate the meeting and formulate recommendations for follow-up during COP6.
Online debate on Education for Sustainable Development Client: Ministry of Agriculture, Nature Management & Fisheries, The Hague & IUCN Gland
Organise as follow-up of the Pan European Expert Meeting Sustainable Development and Environmental Education (Soesterberg, January 1999) an internet discussion among experts, which provides Dutch environmental educators with relevant new data and initiatives of education for sustainable development.
Make the discussion interesting and attractive for pioneers from all over the world to participate and for a broader group to follow. Support the initiative with targeted publicity and after care by ensuring co-operation from the relevant international organisations.
Capture lessons learned in a final IUCN publication [pdf]: ESDebate : international debate on education for sustainable development
Online dabate is no longer accessible.
Online course environmental communication and participation Russia Client: Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Netherlands (Matra)
New legislation makes professional development in environmental management and communication compulsory. In a Mou between the Dutch Ministry of Environment and its Russian counterpart, Parties have agreed to cooperate on the development of a distance learning course on environmental communication and participation. In a later stage this course is to be certified by the Russian Ministry of Education. HECT is asked to carry out this project. In dialogue with the project stakeholders HECT selects a project team of Dutch and Russian experts.
To define the outline of an e-learning and distance education course on environmental communication –HECT carries out a needs analysis and situation analysis with the help from its Russian counterpart, DDO Ltd, Institute for Distance Education and a number of experts from Russian Universities and NGOs. The course is developed in English, translated and adapted to the Russian situation with Russian cases and illustrations. The online version is tested, CD ROMs, printed versions are produced and distributed and a customer satisfaction survey is carried out among end users.
Website: Environmental communication and public participation
Project Management Training workshop Environmental Educators China Client: Chinese Environmental Protection Agency, World Bank
Each year the Education department of the EPA organizes a series of workshops to update the professionals in the various regional environmental education centres in China. Design a workshop on project management that enables centres to more efficiently formulate projects, tailore them to the needs and criteria of donors and sponsors and be able to run projects more effectively. Facilitate the workshop with the help of Chin ese interpreters.
Project Management Training Slovenian Biodiversity Managers Client: Ministry of Environment, Environment Agency of Slovenia
To implement Natura 2000 and carry out outreach activities in the field, staffs of the Ministry and Agency need to update their skills in project management. Design and facilitate a two/day workshop that provides staffs with simple and practical tools rthat they immediately can apply in communication projects.
Project Management Training Czech Biodiversity Managers Client: Ministry of Environment, Nature Conservation Agency of the Czech Republic
To implement Natura 2000 and carry out outreach activities in the field, staffs of the Ministry and Agency need to update their skills in project management. Design and facilitate a two/day workshop that provides staffs with simple and practical tools rthat they immediately can apply in communication projects.
Project Management Training workshop Royal Academy of Science Client: Royal Academy of Science, Netherlands
The Documentation Centre of the Academy of Sciences is in the process of privatization and has increasingly to acquire projects. There is a need among middle managers to update their knowledge in acquisition techniques and project management. Carry out an demand articulation and design on that basis a range of professional updating interventions, consisting of training, coaching and practical tools. Facilitate the training workshops and support the change process with coaching of top and middle management.
Toolkit CEPA Client: Secretariat for the Convention on Biological Diversity
The Conference of the Parties has adopted a work program on communication, education and public awareness. One of the elements in the program is the development of a CEPA toolkit. Carry out an on line demand articulation for communication training among NBSAP coordinators worldwide and a supply survey among CEPA experts worldwide. Design with an international team of experts a toolkit and test it in the various international communication networks.
Video Mainstreaming Biodiversity Client: Secretariat for the Convention on Biological Diversity, UNESCO and IUCN
Develop a video as advocacy tool for the conference of the Parties to CBD to convince them of the importance of communication, education and public awareness (CEPA) and vote to adopt a work program for the Secretariat on CEPA.
Video: Mainstreaming biodiversity